Sam Lee is a designer and illustrator with a love for branding, packaging, beautiful aesthetics and thoughtful visual communication.

In my early years, I fell in love with hand generated art, especially in the area of lettering and illustrations, and in my spare time I worked on personal lettering projects to refine my craft. When I entered into the world of design, I became mostly interested in strategic thinking and making objective solving decisions. I found that well thought out and well researched projects resulted in the most interesting conclusions. Over time, I merged my artistic background with design thinking that together formed my style where at first glance is visually engaging, but upon further inspection, is meaningful and rich with content.


LinkedIn: linkedin/samlee14


First and foremost, I believe in strong concepts derived from thorough research. This ensures that the design is relevant and meaningful, and not merely a decoration, with every decision prescribed to serve a purpose. The direction I take goes to the core of the brand resulting in an uncomplicated design solution.

Secondly, I believe in the idea of beauty. Strong concepts designed poorly result in something boring and unexciting. Beauty gives design a strong sense of personality and attention to detail that garners the attention of viewers, which leaves them with a memorable experience.

Lastly, I consider how to most effectively communicate an idea or a message and ultimately provide value that is beneficial to a brand. Through this journey, I strive to understand the needs of the client and overcome problems with creative solutions. This process comes together to create a nice balance between concept and execution.

When I’m not designing, you will find me working on personal projects, writing blog posts, creating case-studies, and sharing my process work as well as my resources in the hopes of helping somebody else find what they love to do.


Capabilities include, but are not limited to, apparel design, branding, logo design, packaging, illustration, lettering, publishing, editorial, and creating awesome gifs.


I have spent a lot of time with concept development within the food and beverage industry, but principles can be applied to any other industry.


Visual Communication

I’ve worked with illustration, lettering, and art direction to communicate an idea for campaigns or other different mediums.


Projects I have taken on include packaging design, laying out spreads for publication and branded collateral for businesses and events.


Other Challenges

I’ve lent a creative hand to studios and agencies elevating existing brands and have also worked with people who were ready to begin their own business.